Products and services

Purchase of the repair and servicing information flat rate

erWin supports you in the repair of vehicles with the necessary documentation. You will receive detailed instructions on how a vehicle must be repaired.

erWin also offers you additional flat rates with varying ranges of functions. You have the option to choose these in a product comparison according to your needs.

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Period of validity

With the erWin flat rate you secure your unrestricted access to the online information service at a flat rate. To reserve a flat rate you must be registered and logged in.

You can choose the duration according to your needs:

  • 1 day including printing rights ¥ 134.00
  • 7 days including printing rights ¥ 604.00
  • 30 days including printing rights ¥ 1,889.00
  • 365 days including printing rights ¥ 17,438.00

The flat rate starts immediately upon purchase of access. It cannot be interrupted and will end with the expiry of the purchased running time.

The advantages of this are obvious:

  • Unlimited usage within the reserved period.
  • Quick access to desired information.
  • Access to all vehicle-specific information.
  • You always work online with the current technical data.
  • Depending on the selected flat rate, you also can print online service information.

